Back to School Magic Confetti {+ Teacher Gift Ideas}


Back To School Magic Confetti Poem with Pencil Confetti Poppers

It's that time of year when notebooks, pens, pencils, and backpacks fill just about every store and taunt all the children by indicating that summer is almost over.

But since confetti makes everything better, what better way to get everyone excited about starting school than some magical confetti goodies? :D

Back To School Magic Confetti (Free Printable Poem)

I came across this poem online and thought it was one of the most adorable things I've ever seen. Maybe if I had gotten some magic confetti as a kid I would have liked school a whole lot more! haha

Back To School Magic Confetti Poem

(P.S. I've searched high and low to try and find the original source of the poem, but haven't had much luck. There are, however, many other sites that feature it, like here, here, and here.)

I repeat: I am not taking credit for creating the poem, I'm just offering my own spin on it by showing it with some #theconfettibar confetti!

The poem reads:

The night before school is exciting and fun. There are always so many things to be done.

Your clothes are ready, your backpack is too. Your classroom is full of fun things you will do.

There are so many questions that go through your mind, All types of thoughts of every kind.

But sometimes we all get the jitters down deep, And that makes it hard to fall fast asleep.

So I've made you some magic confetti, it really is cool. It will help you be rested and ready for school.

Just place the confetti next to your bed On the night before school starts where you lay down your head.

The confetti will help you sleep through the night And you will wake up in the morning fresh and bright.

I'll place the confetti near my bed, too And remember, I just can't wait for school so I can see you!

P.S. While the poem as a whole is meant to be from a teacher to a student (and is an adorable way to welcome your incoming class!), parents can also give this to their child(ren) by omitting or changing the last two lines.

While you can search online and find other people offering various downloads of the same poem, I decided to make a simple one for you, too. Click here to download your free "Back to School Magic Confetti" poem pdf printable! (There are 4 cards on an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper)

Back To School Magic Confetti Poem with Pencil Confetti Poppers

Back To School Magic Confetti Poem

Ready Confetti

Back To School Ready Confetti

Free printable tag from

An alternative approach to back to school magic confetti is "ready confetti" - it's essentially the same concept where you use confetti to get your child ready for the first day of school with some fun confetti.

Have fun printing either "back to school magic confetti" or "ready confetti" on colored paper, adding a special personalized note and/or adhering some embellishments or stickers. Attach the card to a bag of confetti and you've got the cutest gift!

Our mystery confetti is a great inexpensive option if you want to either get a few 1 cup bags, or even a bulk bag to break down into your own smaller packaging (you can even get a biodegradable style!), and if you really want to be the coolest ever, try some custom confetti!

Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas

Let's not forget about teachers! Whether you want a gift for the first day of school, teacher appreciation, or even the end of a school year, here are a few amazing confetti-ful gifts that would be oh so fun.

A Keepsake Confetti Jar

Learn & Grow Confetti Jar Gift

Learn & Grow Confetti Jar Gift

Learn & Grow Confetti Jar Gift

Perfect if you're looking for a super special and unique gift, a confetti jar (like this "Learn & Grow" style) is the ultimate little keepsake for your fave teacher to display on her desk. It can be used as decor or even a pencil holder.

You can also customize your own confetti jar.

A Pencil Confetti Popper

Pencil Confetti Popper

Pencil Confetti Poppers

Pencil Confetti Popper

Layering some confetti in a push-pop style confetti popper to look like a pencil is the most adorable thing ever. Snag one of our pencil confetti poppers here!

Emergency Happiness Kit

Emergency Happiness Kit

A must-have for any teacher who loves to celebrate, this little kit comes complete with all the essentials you'll want on-hand to recognize a student's job well done: smiley stickers, prescription confetti, emergency confetti packets, and holographic streamer ribbon!

DIY Confetti Bookmarks

DIY Confetti Bookmark Kit

It's probably safe to say most teachers love to read, so a confetti bookmark is the perfect gift...even better that it's handmade! Whether you DIY your own confetti bookmark or purchase a DIY confetti bookmark kit, the possibilities to customize are endless!

DIY Confetti Gift Tag

Teacher Gift Confetti Gift Tag

No matter what gift you decide to gift your favorite teacher, it should for sure have a DIY confetti gift tag attached. It just adds that extra special little touch, don't you think? :)


Confetti Typography

Now if only giant pencils that wrote with confetti were a real thing...

This almost makes me wish I really was going back to school! Almost. ;)


DIY Confetti Dipped Envelopes


Confetti S'mores